Upcoming Shop Hop

With a new year comes a new Yellowhead Shop Hop.

Mark your calendars for June 5 to 12

This year we are doing a fundraiser for cancer.  Shop for the Cure!

$3.00 from the sale of our passport, bag, pin, and fabric goes to the Cancer Society

We have been busy making pink bags and more pink bags.  We will accept all donations of pink fabric for the bags and if you wish to sew them, we have the instructions available.  (I think I could now sew them while asleep!)  They are very easy to make,

Again the participating quilt stores are Chicken Coop, Mundare

                                                       The Quilt Rack, Vegreville

                                                       Extraordinary Extras, Vermilion

                                                       Quilters Cupboard, Lloydminster

                     and ourselves               Village Treasures, Mannville

Hope to have another successful Shop Hop with all you quilters out there.  You guys never disappoint us!